Shopify web designers

Are There Any Cheaper Shopify Web Designers Out There?

Finding cheap Shopify web designers is not the problem. The problem is finding cheap designers that are actually good at their job. There is also the fact you do not want to pay over the recommended rate for a designer. Your goal is to get good value for money, and not to simply plump up the profit margins of a less-capable designer.

The Designer Who Does Very Little

There are many designers out there who are not actually competent coders or programmers. There are many out there who will simply use your account on Shopify to create a website on the platform. They are doing nothing different from what you could do yourself.

Do not be mistaken. There is nothing wrong with selling this type of service, but it is very important that you know what you are getting. Are you hiring somebody to do all the Shopify stuff for you? Or, are you hiring a designer to create some then new and fresh? There is a world of difference.

Do You Need a Web Designer?

Not to be indelicate about it, but many small businesses and many people who are just starting out do not need a professional Shopify designer. Most Shopify websites fail within two years. Are you investing lots of money into a project without the sort of experience required to make it a success? If you do need a designer, be very specific about what you want. This is because you can often solve your online problems with a hybrid of pre-made and new content. For example, you may use a pre-made template, but have a designer make additions or changes that better fit your needs.

Do Not Trust Positive Reviews

We all know by now that positive online reviews can be written by anybody. In the old days, a company would have each of its staff members go online and do a lot of the positive stuff themselves. They would get everybody from the head of the company to the janitor to go on review sites and leave positive reviews and go on social media and leave positive comments. However, these days, it is easier to pay Chinese click farms to do it all for you. They can place real reviews using new or existing accounts from separate devices, so it is harder for the social media platforms to spot that they are not the devices of real people.

Finding a Designer That Fits Your Budget

You should probably go about the problem by first considering what you are willing to spend. Once you have your budget in mind, you need to look for Shopify web designers that offer the things you want. It is then a case of finding a designer that fits your budget, that gives you what you want, and who doesn’t over-promise.

Consider starting small with a long-established company like Collective Fab Agency. If you are happy with the results of what you get, then have your website scaled up and further designed. Start small with something basic and then add to your website and make it more complex as you build a relationship with your designer.